

VIDEO: Dinner Party Quickie | #ManDoesDishes 0003

Hello, Beautiful 🌺 

I enjoyed meeting your girlfriends. 

They are welcome in my home. 

I look forward to seeing you again, very soon. 



You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.

The water must be hot and soapy.

EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.

PHOTOS: The Kitchen is Clean | #ManDoesDishes


The kitchen is clean.

I’ll see you tonight.



You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.

The water must be hot and soapy.

EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.


PHOTO: Dinner Party | #ManDoesDishes

My Love

It was an honor to have your girlfriends over for dinner. They have great taste in music and wine!

I’m glad you enjoyed the food.

It was a beautiful night. 

Of course, we can do it again, soon.

Just call.



You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.

The water must be hot and soapy.

EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.


VIDEO: Webcam Quickie | #ManDoesDishes 0002


I know you wanted to see it so, I did the dishes on the webcam for you.

When I tried to send the you the file the email said it was too big for your inbox.

Even the short version was too big so, I uploaded it, here, for you.

I'll put the full version over here for you. It's 17 minutes long.


You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.
The water must be hot and soapy.
EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.


PHOTOS: Thanks for Breakfast | #ManDoesDishes

Thanks for breakfast, honey.

It was delicious. 

I'm out of town 'til tomorrow :(
I'll text you, tonight.

Have a good day.


You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.
The water must be hot and soapy.
EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.


PHOTO: I Burned the Popcorn | #ManDoesDishes

Dang it!

Babe, I burned the popcorn!

It actually tastes good like this but, most of it stuck to the pan.

Don't worry, though. I'll just let it soak, tonight.


You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.
The water must be hot and soapy.
EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.

PHOTO: Kitchen Supplies | #ManDoesDishes

Green Scrubbers, Sponges, Baking Soda, VInegar and Dish Soap o the kitchen counter.

Hey, babe.

We'll probably be fine for a few more weeks but, I'll need a few more supplies to keep your kitchen clean.

I put together a list. Let's go to the store, tonight.

  • Green Scrubbers
  • Sponges
  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Dish Soap

Also, let's try some of that coffee that you were telling me about yesterday.

See you, soon.


You work hard. I don't mind doing the dishes for you, darling.
The water must be hot and soapy.
EVERYTHING must be clean before bed time.